Rain International focus pack

Rain International nutritional products
Where focus goes, energy flows. Unleashing the combined seed power of bryt, soul-red and pure, the Focus Pack
will unlock your ability to help direct your thoughts and actions into a single intentional goal.

RAIN FOCUS PACK -- 2 bryt, 2 soul red, 1 pure      (CLICK ON PHOTO TO ORDER)

Rain International Focus Pack

The Focus Kit combines some of Rain’s most potent, brain supporting products: bryt, a brain boosting nootropic; soul red a heart healthy cognition-enhanser; pure, a pre and probiotic that promotes mental clarity and stomach wellbeing.
With an energized mind, you’ll have an increased ability to focus on the things in your life you want to grow.

bryt - Increases cognition, Increases memory, Increases neuron activity, Enhances creativity, Provides natural energy, Combats degenerative brain diseases, Boosts recollection and recall.

soul red - Supports healthy heart function -Reduces Inflammation -Fights oxidation -Boosts immune function -Increases natural energy -Great source of brain and body boosting amino acids and omegas, Speeds up recovery.

pure - Increases healthy gut flora, Reduces inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, Enables enhanced nutrient absorption, Fights leaky gut, Promotes overall wellbeing.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.